Traditional Thai Massage
Thai Massage is one of the four branches of traditional Thai medicine. Thai massage involves deep massage, gentle pressure and stretching techniques to relax the whole body. Thai massage can also be practised together with other therapy, I.e. hot compression to result in reducing muscle fatigue and numbness, as well as stimulating blood circulation.
Traditional norms practised in Thai Massage
Study Thai massage techniques from reliable textbooks/sources
Always pay respect and show reverence to all massage master
Show gratitude towards those who have written Thai massage textbooks, which are seen as the bible to Thai massage therapists.
Instructions for Massage Therapists
-If your hands start shaking due to whatever reason, do not carry on with the therapy
-Keep your conversation with clients at an appropriate level.
-Keep your uniform clean and tidy at all the times.
-Always give clients body stretching after a full massage session.
-If at any point during the therapy a client asks for the termination of massage therapy, please grant his/her request immediately.
-If a client has just had a meal, do not begin the therapy session straight away.
-Do not delay any process of the massage therapy.
-If a client informs he/she is unwell, do not attempt to proceed with the massage.
-After the end of working day, massage therapist should always look after their personal hygiene by having a proper bath/shower.
Health benefits of Thai massage
-Stimulate blood circulation.
-Increase bone and muscle strength.
-Eliminate toxins in muscles, which results in an increase in muscle flexibility.
-Lower stress and boost energy because Thai massage involves moving and manipulating the body to relieve physical and emotional tension.
-Relieve headache.
-Improve range of motion.